iQ Global Media provides complete sales outsourcing solutions to large enterprise and middle market clients. iQ Global Media presents a clear choice in sales channel options for you – our metrics and process driven processes deliver uncompromising results consistent with the highest ethical standards.

iQ Global Media uses forward-thinking sales practices and Six Sigma processes to control and maximize sales results. Sales are treated as a science. Your sales results should not depend on anyone superstar rep. Your revenue targets (and your future) should be consistent, predictable, replicable, and scalable. iQ Global Media designed a series of proprietary processes to allow for not only beating the quotas but also to consistently improve while being able to scale the programs up and replicate them worldwide.

In simple terms, what do we do?

We sell your products and services in the field, via inside sales, or as enterprise sales reps traveling as needed. We are “branded” representatives meaning the customer sees the sales force as extensions of your brand rather than iQ Global Media. We report in detailed ways typically exceeding what most clients could get in terms of metrics from their own force. We build the programs, recruit the personnel, manage the teams, and close the deals on your “paper.” We build a sales force for you from the director level down to the actual reps – the entire force dedicated just to you using systems and processes developed by an industry leader in sales.

iQ Global Media is unique in the sales channel marketplace. Our metric focused approaches allow us to consistently meet and exceed our targets. iQ Global Media presents a model that for many products and services will outperform VARs, contract sales, and other sales outsourcing firms both in raw revenue/ROI but also in strategic benefits. iQ Global Media spent five years developing a process that is nothing less than revolutionary before our primary market launch. Our sole focus on sales has allowed for the creation of processes that consistently outperformed what companies could do internally and beats our competition by an average of 2:1. Why can iQ Global Media do this? Simple: A decade of systems and process development focusing on nothing but top sales results, the help of the best sales minds in the industry, and massive investments in people, process, and technology.